Summer Yard Safety for Kids

May 24, 2023

Now that school’s out for the summer, your kids may be spending more time around the house playing outside and exploring your yard. To help keep them safe while they’re having fun this season, we’ve compiled a short checklist of guidelines to keep in mind when preparing your property.

Prevent Injuries with Basic Maintenance

You and your family members likely have a lot of familiarity with your own backyard, but it never hurts to take a quick sweep and see how things have grown since the spring.

·       Overgrown trees and shrubbery should be trimmed back if they extend into areas children may inhabit.

·       The ground should be checked for holes and roots. Garden tools and hoses should be put away to prevent tripping hazards.

Keep Pests Away

Help prevent pests from interfering with your kids’ activities by making your yard less attractive to them.

·       Remove pools of stagnant water that can attract mosquitoes.

·       Consistently cut the grass and keep playground setups away from yard edges to discourage ticks.

·       Throw away any snack leftovers so rodents aren’t tempted by them.

·       Get rid of unnecessary debris that yard snakes or other critters may like to hide under.

Watch Out for Unsafe Plants

Healthy plant growth on your property can certainly be a positive, but make sure to remove species that can cause issues for your kids.

·       Poison ivy rashes can make kids miserable for several weeks so be sure to periodically scout your property and carefully remove any discovered plants.

·       Certain plants like hydrangeas, daffodils, and azaleas may look pretty, but they also contain toxins. If your kids enjoy grabbing and placing objects in their mouths, remove poisonous garden plants or be sure they’re only in areas your kids cannot access.

If you have questions about yard safety best practices or need help preparing your property for summertime, contact the Green Light Lawn Care team