Our first of many plants of the month is a plant near and dear to our hearts. An Indiana native that benefits many with its tasty treats provided. Say hello to…
Highbush blueberry is a crown-forming shrub that flowers in spring and summer and yearly fruiting to follow flowering. Bees love to pollinate these flowers once the plant blooms. This plant loves full sun to partial shade.
Highbush Blueberry has a few key identifying traits such as:
- Yellow-green twigs
- Waxy leaves
- Red twigs in the winter
- Covered in wart-like dots (yuck)
- White or pink-ish flowers
Highbush Blueberry has a tremendous amount of iron and many uses inside the home. The fruit from this bush can be used in various gourmet settings.
Reach out to Green Light Lawn Care today to see if the Highbush Blueberry is a good fit for you.